
An open source code generation model trained on permissively licensed code and released by Replit. The V1.5, 3B variant is the basis for this implementation, and weights are obtained via Hugging Face. This pipeline demonstrates code completion from an initial prompt using Replit's Code V1.5 3B large language model. The model itself has been constructed from end to end in the Mojo language using the MAX Graph API.

Code Completion
Run with 1 command on desktop

Read the code and instructions, and run on desktop.


An open source code generation model trained on permissively licensed code and released by Replit. The V1.5, 3B variant is the basis for this implementation, and weights are obtained via Hugging Face. This pipeline demonstrates code completion from an initial prompt using Replit's Code V1.5 3B large language model. The model itself has been constructed from end to end in the Mojo language using the MAX Graph API.

Code Completion
Run with 1 command on desktop

Read the code and instructions, and run on desktop.

Replit Code V1.5 3B

Language: Mojo 🔥

API: MAX Graph

This pipeline demonstrates code completion from an initial prompt using Replit's Code V1.5 3B large language model. The model itself has been constructed from end to end in the Mojo language using the MAX Graph API.

The MAX Graph API provides an accessible Mojo interface to the construction of flexible accelerated compute graphs, which are then optimized by the MAX Engine's advanced graph compiler. This pipeline showcases how a large language model can be fully defined using Mojo and MAX Graphs and then compiled for optimal inference performance via the MAX Engine.


Replit Code is an open source code generation model trained on permissively licensed code and released by Replit. The V1.5, 3B variant is the basis for this implementation, and weights are obtained via Hugging Face.


The easiest way to try out this pipeline is with our Magic command-line tool. Follow the instructions to install Magic. Once installed, you can try out code generation using Replit Code with the following command:

magic run replit --prompt 'def hello():\n  print("hello world")'

On first execution, the tokenizer library and model weights will be downloaded and placed in a .cache/modular subdirectory within your home directory. The model will then be compiled and text completion will begin from the specified prompt.

To modify or build upon the pipeline code, you can use the following steps:

  1. Install MAX:

    If MAX is not already installed, follow the installation instructions to set it up on your system.

  2. Clone the MAX examples repository:

    If you don't already have a local clone of this repository, create one via:

    git clone

    The following instructions assume that you're present within this pipeline's directory, and you can change to it after cloning:

    cd max/examples/graph-api/pipelines/replit/
  3. Install Python dependencies:

    You'll need numpy and the Transformers library as we will be using its tokenizers. You can do this by running:

    pip install numpy transformers
  4. Run the code completion demo:

    All of the pipelines have been configured to use a common driver, located in the directory hosting all MAX Graph examples. Assuming you're starting at the path of this README, the command invocation will look like:

    mojo ../../run_pipeline.🔥 replit --prompt 'def hello():\n  print("hello world")'


The following command-line options are available to customize operation of the pipeline:

  • --model-path: Overrides the default model weights, and allows for an already-downloaded pretrained weight file to be used with the model.
  • --prompt: The text prompt to use for further code generation.
  • --max-length: An optional token generation configuration to specify maximum sequence length.
  • --max-new-tokens: An optional token generation configuration to specify maximum number of tokens.
  • --quantization-encoding: The encoding to use for a datatype that can be quantized to a low bits per weight format. The options for quantized formats will download and cache default weights.
  • --warmup-pipeline: Performs a warmup run of the pipeline before text generation.

Ideas for future extension

This isn't an exhaustive list, but here are some ideas for ways in which this pipeline may be extended or improved:

  • Replace the SentencePiece tokenizer with one written in Mojo. Currently, the tokenizer is loaded from the transformers library via Python interoperability and it might be useful to have this all in Mojo.
  • Incorporate 4-bit quantization.
  • Improve the quality of the code generation.
  • Identify performance bottlenecks and further tune time-to-first-token and throughput.

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